It's Fresh...

It's Local...

It's Good for You!

Highly Processed

Most dairy products on the market today are over-processed and filled with artificial additives.

Large Factory Farms

They are sourced from factory farms that prioritize yield over the health of their soil and animals, leading to nutrient depletion.

lactose intolerant

A1 Protein

Most milk also contains the A1 protein, a damaged form of beta-casein protein that can cause digestive problems and other health issues.

Not just any Milk is good for you.

In the last few decades millions of Americans have abandoned dairy. Over 30% are considered intolerant to milk, and many others avoid it for ethical or environmental reasons. We do not believe this is the answer for overall health.

Instead when Milk comes from happy cows on small, sustainable family farms, the health benefits are obvious.

Why our Milk is Good for You.

A2 Milk

Our small herds produce milk with A2 protein—the original, perfectly formed protein that many find easier to digest. Originally, all cows produced only the A2 protein. However, a natural genetic variation over a thousand years ago introduced the A1 protein.

Natural / GMO Free

All our cows are fed a non-GMO, grass-based diet to produce the rich, sweet milk we’re famous for. We also minimize artificial inputs such as chemicals and fertilizers in our farming processes.

Local FLX Family Farms

Our families nurture their animals and soils regeneratively, providing the nutrients needed to replenish what has been depleted. We prioritize the health of our soil, animals, and farms and offer you the same benefits our families enjoy.

The fresh milk is shipped straight to our small plant in Geneva. We then carefully process it to keep it as close to its natural state as possible. All our milk is whole, filled with delicious cream just like the cows made it. Our flavored milks and cheeses are crafted with only all-natural ingredients.

We've helped countless individuals rediscover their love for quality dairy. Experience the difference that fresh A2 milk can make for your family.

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